Guide to plant okraINTRODUCTIONOkra is believed to have originated from North Africa is a slimy vegetable fruit. It is easily grown and is less attacked by disease and pests. Fruit and other parts of this plant can be used as various salads and fruits can be cooked in various ways; curry, salad and fried. The fruits can be processed is canned, frozen and pickled with salt state. His mucus is used as a thickening for tomato sauce. In India, the trunks of old okra that made the paper and the seeds of old used to drink coffee daily to replace.
Okra can be grown in most soil types such as sandy loam, clay, peat lands and river valleys that drained well.
Plow and loam soil depth of 15 cm to 22 cm. Pengapuran was necessary that two weeks before planting.Provide limits. Mix into the soil organic fertilizers like chicken manure rot of three to five tons per hectare.
HOW planting
Seeds planted 2.5 cm deep in the limit. Make sure the two pieces selubang added. The recommended spacing between plants is 90cm. After two weeks remove a tree that is less fertile. A total of 11 grams of seed is needed for a size limit of 1.2m in width and 30 m long.
Sprinkle compound fertilizer NPK Blue Special (12:12:17:2) around the tree every two weeks. For per hectare of land, a ton fertilizer needed.
Wash once a day in the afternoon. Watering at the important issue of interest danpembentukan fruit trees.
Pull the weeds if necessary or use herbicides. Follow the instructions on the herbicide label.
Make mulch of rice straw, dried leaves or pieces of plastic to control weeds and maintain soil moisture.
After all the results cited, trees should be in the crop as high as 40 cm to 60 cm from ground level to obtain results for the second time. Four to five new shoots after pruning menbesar leave.Truncation, followed by the application.
The main enemy is the okra crop pests such as insects and worms excavators and bedbug merosakkanbuah fruit-fruit okra at all stages of fruit growth. If severe attacks, use of insecticidesuch as Diazinon.Disease is the main crop okra leaf spots appear on older leaves adaun where this leaves look blotchy hatam and soot. The disease can be controlled by spraying fungicides Benomyl.
The use of poisons, pesticides should be in accordance with label instructions.
Okra fruit is harvested by cutting 2 cm from the base of the fruit. Avoid mucus injured because it will be out going and can be dropped right for the fruit. Harvesting began to do when:
a. 50 to 55 days after plantingb. 5 to 6 days after the flower and pollination occursc. Fruit size of 10 to 12 cm long, the fruit is soft, the end is fragile, easily broken and not berpulur.
At this stage, the fruits have reached the highest growth rates and should be harvested so that okra plants can continue to produce new flowers and thus ensure sustainable production of fruit. Revenue collected every two days and continued until 8 weeks. Total revenue in the estimated 10 tons to 15 tons per hectare.
Post harvest handling
The fruits of the harvest was collected and entered into the shade where the basket (plastic or bamboo), which was a paper or plastic covering the holes clear. It can only be stored for two to three days without being packaged in plastic. A little water should be so ventilated percikkan weakened. Fruits packed in plastic bags can be kept for seven days to eight days in a temperature of 24oC to 26oC and relative humidity of 70 to 75 percent.