In the field of landscape architecture or landscape, the materials used in a landscape design can be categorized into two groups, "Softscape 'and' Hardscape.
"Softscape 'is a living material, such as ornamental trees, flowers, trees and grass-arranged medley-set by a design plan.
"Hardscape" is a building that is used as an addition or a combination of 'Softscape' for a more interesting effect on a recreational park. Among the examples of 'hardscape' in a garden is a brick, bridge, fence and carved statues.
To build a structure of Hardscape, simenfero technology is introduced and widely used in the development of recreational parks. Using this method, a design 'Harpscape' can be shaped and built with ease as well as low cost.
Fero cement
Fero cement is the kind of structures of the mortar itself (the mixture of sand, cement and water) in lepa thin steel wire in the network. So basically simenfero term means a combination of ferrous (iron) and cement.Historically fero cement was pioneered by Joseph Louis, a French noble birth in 1848 and was patented in 1852. He has built several structures such as boat-rowing, flower pots and benches from a material called 'Ferciment. The technology has subsequently been developed by Professor Nervi.Ferp cement technology was subsequently expanded to other countries such as Russia, India, Tibet, Africa, Australia, New Zealand and Asia. In places where the hard earned wood or decreases, this technology has been used to build structures such as the protection of residential homes and farm structures.
In Australia, the Sydney Opera House building was constructed by using fero cement. In Indonesia and India, railway stations and mosques were built using this technology. In Italia, has built its naval warship technology simenfero during the second world war.
In the Philippines, Malaysia Fin (Ferrocement Information Network, based at the Annual University of Agriculture Malaysia , are the institutions responsible for introducing and developing technology since 1979.
Advantages Fero cement
Many structures 'Hardscape' a landscape architecture built using the technology because it is easy to set up simenfero. A part from that, the structure is resistant fero cement exposed to rain and heat, have the force of heat flow is low, strong, easily repaired and does not require sophisticated equipment for construction work. The materials used for construction of structures fero cement easily available and affordable.
Material Fero cement
Essentially, fero cement composite materials consisting of mortar (a mixture of sand, cement and water), reinforcement, wire mesh and steel that are formed in accordance with the desired structure. Mixture should be done carefully to ensure fero cement structure can meet the required quality.
Building materials needed for cement is fero cement, fine sand, reinforcement mesh, steel wire and paint.
Cement is a building material which has viscosity characteristics which allow to form with pieces of minerals into a compact structure. Materials that stick in fero cement called mortar.Mortar generally consist of a mixture of Portland cement and silica sand. Cement, when mixed with water into a gel and finally produce a strong structure of hardened cement paste. There are three types of cement, namely: -
1.Simen Ordinary Portland (Type 1)2.Simen Ordinary Portland (Type 11)3.Simen Portland Fast Hard (of I11)Against Portland 4.Simen Sulfate (Type 1V
Ordinary Portland Cement (Type 1)
This type of cement is not recommended to be used for the construction of the structure is exposed to sulfate in the soil, ground water, sea water and a high state of hydration.
Ordinary Portland Cement (Type 11)
This type of cement can be used for the construction of the dam structure. It also can be used in situations where the temperature rose rapidly, the high and where the thermal contraction can be reduced.
Ordinary Portland Cement (Type I11)
This type of cement used for the purpose of producing power quickly. In general, the strength is seven times stronger than ordinary cement at the same rate of water use in the mix and strength of the measured three days after mixing.
Against Portland Cement Sulfate (Type 1V)
This type of cement can be used for building structures exposed to sulfate and seawater attack. This type of cement did not reduce the force against Sulfate and are usually more expensive than ordinary cement.
Fine Aggregate
Best aggregate fero cement mixture is river sand. Before use, the sand must be clean from mud and soil, come pre-assembled and free from organic materials that can react chemically with the cement.Sand must be graded to sift it first. The maximum aggregate size is 2.63mm. Size is important to ensure good quality construction.Mixing ratio of cement, sand and water is an important point in getting a good mixture for a structure.
Table 1: The ratio of mixing sand / cement and cement / water for Weight-Based Construction Common.
Mixture Ratio
Cement and Sand 1: 1.5 - 2.5
Cement / water 1: 0.35 - 0.5
For example, if the ratio of cement / sand-cement ratio be 2.0 and / 0.5 dimabil water, then cement is needed for 1kg 2.0kg 0.5kg of sand and water required for the selected ratio.
And mesh reinforcement
Reinforcement is the material used to form structures and the basic strength of the structure. Materials used for reinforcement should be selected from the appropriate type and size as RodMS Steel, wire and others. Bamboo is also used as reinforcement was attempted.Steel mesh was used as a plaster to the concrete surface to form a structure.. There are several types of networks used as Hexagon wire mesh (0.5 x 22 gauge) or better known mesh pigeon. Square weld mesh (0.5 x 19 Gauge x 0.5), expanded metal (Expanded Metal) and Watson network.
Paint (dye)
Paint or dye used for the structural estatik other than adding a built resilience. Epoxy is also used for the purpose of improving the performance and use of structures exposed to humid conditions.
The type and color of the selected depending on the structures and artistic expertise of a person. Which type of paint used is Cote Timber and shiny paint types (gloss). Cat "Timber Cote" has 9 different colors while the paint of polished (gloss) is ideal for color selection and shiny.
Basic Tools For Work SimenFero
For fero cement work, basic equipment needed is a shovel cement, cement Smoothing, "plier, wire cutters and some other equipment.
Construction Process Structure fero cement
In the construction of the structures 'Hardscape' garden art, it involves several processes. In short, the construction of fero cement structure is as follows.
1. Determine the type and size of structures to be built2. To determine the approximate quantity of materials3. Form a frame structure4. Preparing the mortar mix (by volume)5. Plaster mortar6. Completing the work surface.7. Treatment8. Painting
Determine the type and size.
Fero cement structures to determine the nature, size and whether the appropriate volume based on the budget or plan to design a landscape that has been provided.
To determine the approximate quantity of construction materials.
In practice, the materials for cement fero not weighed before the mixture is made, but measured by volume. Given the density of the mixture is not equal to each other, then measure by volume should be changed so that the ratio by weight can be removed.
The density of ordinary cement, sand and water is around 3150 kg / cubic meter, 2600 kg / cubic meter, and 1000 kg / cubic meter. This shows that the density for a volume load as 1meter solid, heavy formed by the 3150 kg of cement, sand and water 2600 kg 1000 kg, according to the volume capacity ratio, which is to be converted into cargo volume.
For the calculation of material for mixing mortar, mix ratio by weight to water: cement: sand can be converted to a ratio by volume as follows:
The ratio by weight is:
Sand / Cement 2.0: 1.0
Water / Cement 0.5: 1.0
For each cement volume V, the volume of sand required is
= 3150 x 2 x V
= 2.5V
Water required is:
= 0.5 x 3150 x V
Therefore, in accordance with the volume ratio of water: cement: sand is equivalent to 1.5: of 1.0: 2.5In the preparation of materials for a project, the estimated volume to be built structure can be determined by the ratio determined. This is to prevent wastage or lack of materials during the project.For example, to construct a simple garden art structures require a large volume of mortar 0.2meter. Increase of 10% - 15% of the volume is made as to security reasons.To ensure a good mix, you can test it with a little double concrete by hand. If you do not clench formed the crack or split up, this indicates the lack of cement concrete or water. If you clench hard to be formed, this means that the concrete over the water.
Form a framework structureOnce the materials have been prepared for fero cement, the framework of a building to be done Using the materials for reinforcement, and wire mesh. Frame is made of soft steel and wrapped with wire mesh on the frame structure is bound with fine wire. Make sure the frame and mesh neatly tied.
Plaster mortar
Fero cement for the structure, usually plaster mix mortar by hand. Plaster mortar should be consistent and mortar can flow into the net to meet the cavity is air-cavity. This determines the durability and quality of structures. Typically, the mixture should be paved from the outside into the surface structure. Mortar mix well with the appropriate viscosity to facilitate resurfacing works. It is important to compress the mortar due to the presence of the cavity-air cavity lesion structural strength. Plaster work requires skills usually acquired through training and experience.
Surface Finishing.
After the plaster mortar is finished, fero cement surface finishing work to be done before the mortar dried whole or 'set'. Make sure no exposed wire or steel from the surface as it will weaken the structure. Building surface can be left rough or smooth depending on the construction of the structure. Well, the thickness of the mortar that covers the reinforcement / mesh wire must not exceed 1.5mm. These are the appropriate thickness in the most fero cement construction.
The combination of color plays an important role in shaping the construction of a cement estatik fero or 'Hardscape' landscape. Colored cement can be used to maintain the color of a surface structure, but its price is more expensive than ordinary cement. To get a beautiful finish paint should be applied to the movement from left to right and vice versa, or from top to bottom and vice versa. It also ensures the cavity-cavity on the surface was covered by paint.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Oyster mushrooms
Mushrooms are a fungus that can be divided into two types of poisonous (not edible) and types that are not poisonous (to eat). Refreshing mushroom has long been used as food ingredients that can increase the taste of food. In general, it contains high protein from other green vegetables. It also contains carbohydrates, high fiber and vitamins and low in fat.
Fresh mushrooms can grow in the wild and can be planted using planting media such as wood and cotton dust. Planting fresh mushrooms have high economic potential. Some types of mushrooms found to be suitable for planting in Malaysia among them is the oyster mushroom or scientific name is Pleurotus sp. There are three common types of oyster mushrooms grown in the area of low, namely: -
a. White Oyster (Pleurotus florida)b. Oyster Gray (Pleurotus sajor-caju)c. Abalone Oyster (Pleurotus Cystidiousus)
White Oyster (Pleurotus florida)
Oyster Gray (Pleurotus Sajor-Caju)
Abalone Oyster (Pleurotus Cystidiousus) This type of mushroom can be grown on waste materials such as rubber wood dust, rerami rice, cake and others in the mushroom house.
Grey Oyster Mushroom Nutrition Diet (100gm fresh weight)
Breakdown Face Food Content
( a ) Energy 37 Kcal
( b ) Water 89.2 gm
( c ) Protein 3.6 gm
(d ) Fat 0.7 gm
( e ) Carbohydrates 4.1 gm
( f ) Fiber 1.8 gm
( g ) Calcium 2 mg
( h ) Phosphorus 88 mg
( i ) Iron 1 mg
( j ) Sodium 6 mg
( k ) Potassium 195 mg
( l ) Vitamin B 1 0.03 mg
( m ) Vitamin B 2 0.45 mg
( n ) Niasin 9.1 mg
( o ) Vitamin C 9.4 mg
Mushroom Cultivation and Management Requirements
Oyster mushroom cultivation success depends on several key environmental factors such as type of substrate, temperature, humidity, light, ventilation, and so on. Good performance in this industry depends on the practices of operators in the following matters.
1. Mold Construction(A.) Construction of new homes and mushrooms are not specifically required. It is more economical when using spaces available and is adding shelves and made a few modifications such as installing nets on the wall to prevent pest attacks and to install water pipes to make watering easy.(B) new materials are also not required, it is sufficient to use the materials used and the materials available.(C) For the convenience of carrying out maintenance work best mushroom house has three spaces.i. Space provision - the place to wood dust blending, filling and steaming bag of mushrooms.ii. Injection rooms - special chamber to inject the seeds.iii. Mushroom bag space - this space is divided into two, namely a space for growth maisiliam (incubation) and a further space for bags to produce mushrooms.(C.) The field size of 4.5mx 4.5m can accommodate about 2000 bag of mushrooms.(E) The width of shelf mushroom is approximately 20-30 cm in length and longer shelf mushroom bag depending on the area of mushroom houses.(F) High shelf is 1.8m and the distance between the rack level preferably 50cm.(G) rack space 0.5mx 1.2m area can accommodate 36-40 bag of mushrooms.(H) The distance between the shelves is an easy-1.5m to carry out maintenance work and collect revenue.
2. Preparation of Mushroom BagBag of mushrooms should be provided as a mushroom growing media maisiliam place. The materials used are rubber wood dust, fine bran, agricultural lime and water. Apart from the above materials, equipment used as well as plastic bags (size 8.5 X 35 cm, heat-resistant), neck and close the bag, cotton.
Methods of preparing mushroom bags are as follows: -(A) Mix of wood dust rubber, rice bran and agricultural lime at a rate of 100: 10: 1 by weight.(B) Shut off water to the dirt timber when the grasp is not greed.(C) Put the rubber to a mixture of wood dust in plastic bags and shock absorbers to compact.(D) Put the neck and cover (cap stuffed with a little cotton).(E) Continue to work (a), (b), (c) and (d) until the expiry of rubber wood dust has been mixed.
3. Mushroom steaming bagsAfter the preparation of mushroom bag, steaming should be carried out to kill all organisms in the dust timber and also seeks to prevent pollution. Tools needed are drums, a set of kitchen gas, and close the lid of the drum barrel.
How to steaming mushroom bags are as follows: -(A) Place the liner into the 12cm tall drums.(B) Fill the water in the drums of the same high level with the pad.(C) Arrange the mushroom bags vertically into drums and close tightly.(D) Steam for 5-6 hours.(E) Remove the mushroom bags of drums and let stand for 2 nights.
4. Mushroom Seed Selection
These factors should be considered to select the seeds mushrooms are as follows: -
(A) Select the desired type of seed mushrooms properly.(B) Maisiliam good mushroom seeds look like white cotton.(C) Select the pertumbuahan maisiliamnya seed to the bottle full of seeds.(D) Do not gunakna brown seeds and remove secretions such as oil because the seeds were old and not active.(E) Do not use seeds that have been contaminated by fungi green, yellow and black.(F) Do not select seeds that smell sour and wormy.
5. The seed injectionAfter steaming bag of mushrooms and seed selection has been made, the work must be carried out is the injection of seed in a special clean room so that no contamination occurs. Materials / equipment needed is seed mushrooms, pick iron / wood, lampi spirits, marker pen and lighter fuel.
Methods for injecting seeds are as follows: -(A) Choose a good seed is the seed pure white color.(B) Heat the iron pick on fire to kill all organisms that can cause pollution.(C) Break the mushrooms to pick seeds that have been in the heat earlier.(D) Open the mouth of the bag and add mushrooms, mushroom seed estimates of a tablespoon.(E) Heat closed mouth and put the bag of mushrooms mushrooms back in the bag.(F) Record the injection of seed and bags of mushrooms in the mushroom.(G) Incubation right bag for 30-35 days until the mushrooms mushrooms maisiliam meet bag. Temperature 28C - 30C is the most appropriate in this incubation process. Incubation mushroom bags are placed in a cold room and separate.
6. Care Bag And The Mushroom House Mushroom Suitable for Good Growth(A) bags that were injected consolidated placed special space for the incubation process before the mold was moved to the house.(B) The temperature of any 28C - 30C is suitable for the growth maisiliam during incubation.(C) The temperature in the house for mold fungus growth is 30C - 32C.(D) Relative humidity of air required in the mushroom house is 80-90%.(E) For low temperature and humidity are required, mushroom house should be watered two times a day of morning and evening. Splash of good done in walls, floors and if necessary, to the roof.(F) Remove and destroy bags of mushrooms that have been contaminated bags of yellow-green and orange and black bags that have been entered into by insects and maggots.(G) Remove the bags of old and uneconomical from the mushroom house. These bags can be recycled as fertilizer plant compass.(H) Clean the mushrooms home environment from weeds and rubbish.(I) To plant lots of shady trees around the house to get the mushroom dim atmosphere with low temperature.(J) Good ventilation is needed for lush growth of mold.(K) Home mushrooms require low light and the rest. Rays of the sun directly into the mushroom house will hinder the growth of fungi.
7. Collecting revenue
After the injection of seed, further work is to collect revenue. How to collect the results are as follows: -
(A) After maisiliam meet the mushroom bag, move and arrange the bags on the shelf collapsed in the mushroom house. Appropriate temperature in the mushroom house is 30C - 32C with relative humidity of 80% comparative - 90%.(B) Open mouth bag of mushrooms and wait for the first probe (3-5 days after the close of the bag is opened).(C) Spray water on the walls, floor and mushroom bags in the mornings and evenings to raise humidity and lower temperature state.(D) Collect mushrooms that were grown before the sides and around the waves breaking.(E) Close the mouth of the bag back mushrooms and Rest of the bag for 70-10 days prior to the re-opening to yield the following.
Collection of mushrooms is the first 40-60 days after the injection of seed. The following excerpt is 10-14 days after the bag rested. Once the collection of revenue can reach the bag of 60-80 g / bag and a bag of mushrooms can provide 5-6 times the proceeds to talk for 3-4. Mushrooms have been harvested can be stored in a refrigerator at a temperature of 5C - 10C for 2-3 days.
Mushrooms are a fungus that can be divided into two types of poisonous (not edible) and types that are not poisonous (to eat). Refreshing mushroom has long been used as food ingredients that can increase the taste of food. In general, it contains high protein from other green vegetables. It also contains carbohydrates, high fiber and vitamins and low in fat.
Fresh mushrooms can grow in the wild and can be planted using planting media such as wood and cotton dust. Planting fresh mushrooms have high economic potential. Some types of mushrooms found to be suitable for planting in Malaysia among them is the oyster mushroom or scientific name is Pleurotus sp. There are three common types of oyster mushrooms grown in the area of low, namely: -
a. White Oyster (Pleurotus florida)b. Oyster Gray (Pleurotus sajor-caju)c. Abalone Oyster (Pleurotus Cystidiousus)
White Oyster (Pleurotus florida)
Oyster Gray (Pleurotus Sajor-Caju)
Abalone Oyster (Pleurotus Cystidiousus)
Grey Oyster Mushroom Nutrition Diet (100gm fresh weight)
Breakdown Face Food Content
( a ) Energy 37 Kcal
( b ) Water 89.2 gm
( c ) Protein 3.6 gm
(d ) Fat 0.7 gm
( e ) Carbohydrates 4.1 gm
( f ) Fiber 1.8 gm
( g ) Calcium 2 mg
( h ) Phosphorus 88 mg
( i ) Iron 1 mg
( j ) Sodium 6 mg
( k ) Potassium 195 mg
( l ) Vitamin B 1 0.03 mg
( m ) Vitamin B 2 0.45 mg
( n ) Niasin 9.1 mg
( o ) Vitamin C 9.4 mg
Mushroom Cultivation and Management Requirements
Oyster mushroom cultivation success depends on several key environmental factors such as type of substrate, temperature, humidity, light, ventilation, and so on. Good performance in this industry depends on the practices of operators in the following matters.
1. Mold Construction(A.) Construction of new homes and mushrooms are not specifically required. It is more economical when using spaces available and is adding shelves and made a few modifications such as installing nets on the wall to prevent pest attacks and to install water pipes to make watering easy.(B) new materials are also not required, it is sufficient to use the materials used and the materials available.(C) For the convenience of carrying out maintenance work best mushroom house has three spaces.i. Space provision - the place to wood dust blending, filling and steaming bag of mushrooms.ii. Injection rooms - special chamber to inject the seeds.iii. Mushroom bag space - this space is divided into two, namely a space for growth maisiliam (incubation) and a further space for bags to produce mushrooms.(C.) The field size of 4.5mx 4.5m can accommodate about 2000 bag of mushrooms.(E) The width of shelf mushroom is approximately 20-30 cm in length and longer shelf mushroom bag depending on the area of mushroom houses.(F) High shelf is 1.8m and the distance between the rack level preferably 50cm.(G) rack space 0.5mx 1.2m area can accommodate 36-40 bag of mushrooms.(H) The distance between the shelves is an easy-1.5m to carry out maintenance work and collect revenue.
2. Preparation of Mushroom BagBag of mushrooms should be provided as a mushroom growing media maisiliam place. The materials used are rubber wood dust, fine bran, agricultural lime and water. Apart from the above materials, equipment used as well as plastic bags (size 8.5 X 35 cm, heat-resistant), neck and close the bag, cotton.
Methods of preparing mushroom bags are as follows: -(A) Mix of wood dust rubber, rice bran and agricultural lime at a rate of 100: 10: 1 by weight.(B) Shut off water to the dirt timber when the grasp is not greed.(C) Put the rubber to a mixture of wood dust in plastic bags and shock absorbers to compact.(D) Put the neck and cover (cap stuffed with a little cotton).(E) Continue to work (a), (b), (c) and (d) until the expiry of rubber wood dust has been mixed.
3. Mushroom steaming bagsAfter the preparation of mushroom bag, steaming should be carried out to kill all organisms in the dust timber and also seeks to prevent pollution. Tools needed are drums, a set of kitchen gas, and close the lid of the drum barrel.
How to steaming mushroom bags are as follows: -(A) Place the liner into the 12cm tall drums.(B) Fill the water in the drums of the same high level with the pad.(C) Arrange the mushroom bags vertically into drums and close tightly.(D) Steam for 5-6 hours.(E) Remove the mushroom bags of drums and let stand for 2 nights.
4. Mushroom Seed Selection
These factors should be considered to select the seeds mushrooms are as follows: -
(A) Select the desired type of seed mushrooms properly.(B) Maisiliam good mushroom seeds look like white cotton.(C) Select the pertumbuahan maisiliamnya seed to the bottle full of seeds.(D) Do not gunakna brown seeds and remove secretions such as oil because the seeds were old and not active.(E) Do not use seeds that have been contaminated by fungi green, yellow and black.(F) Do not select seeds that smell sour and wormy.
Methods for injecting seeds are as follows: -(A) Choose a good seed is the seed pure white color.(B) Heat the iron pick on fire to kill all organisms that can cause pollution.(C) Break the mushrooms to pick seeds that have been in the heat earlier.(D) Open the mouth of the bag and add mushrooms, mushroom seed estimates of a tablespoon.(E) Heat closed mouth and put the bag of mushrooms mushrooms back in the bag.(F) Record the injection of seed and bags of mushrooms in the mushroom.(G) Incubation right bag for 30-35 days until the mushrooms mushrooms maisiliam meet bag. Temperature 28C - 30C is the most appropriate in this incubation process. Incubation mushroom bags are placed in a cold room and separate.
6. Care Bag And The Mushroom House Mushroom Suitable for Good Growth(A) bags that were injected consolidated placed special space for the incubation process before the mold was moved to the house.(B) The temperature of any 28C - 30C is suitable for the growth maisiliam during incubation.(C) The temperature in the house for mold fungus growth is 30C - 32C.(D) Relative humidity of air required in the mushroom house is 80-90%.(E) For low temperature and humidity are required, mushroom house should be watered two times a day of morning and evening. Splash of good done in walls, floors and if necessary, to the roof.(F) Remove and destroy bags of mushrooms that have been contaminated bags of yellow-green and orange and black bags that have been entered into by insects and maggots.(G) Remove the bags of old and uneconomical from the mushroom house. These bags can be recycled as fertilizer plant compass.(H) Clean the mushrooms home environment from weeds and rubbish.(I) To plant lots of shady trees around the house to get the mushroom dim atmosphere with low temperature.(J) Good ventilation is needed for lush growth of mold.(K) Home mushrooms require low light and the rest. Rays of the sun directly into the mushroom house will hinder the growth of fungi.
7. Collecting revenue
After the injection of seed, further work is to collect revenue. How to collect the results are as follows: -
(A) After maisiliam meet the mushroom bag, move and arrange the bags on the shelf collapsed in the mushroom house. Appropriate temperature in the mushroom house is 30C - 32C with relative humidity of 80% comparative - 90%.(B) Open mouth bag of mushrooms and wait for the first probe (3-5 days after the close of the bag is opened).(C) Spray water on the walls, floor and mushroom bags in the mornings and evenings to raise humidity and lower temperature state.(D) Collect mushrooms that were grown before the sides and around the waves breaking.(E) Close the mouth of the bag back mushrooms and Rest of the bag for 70-10 days prior to the re-opening to yield the following.
Collection of mushrooms is the first 40-60 days after the injection of seed. The following excerpt is 10-14 days after the bag rested. Once the collection of revenue can reach the bag of 60-80 g / bag and a bag of mushrooms can provide 5-6 times the proceeds to talk for 3-4. Mushrooms have been harvested can be stored in a refrigerator at a temperature of 5C - 10C for 2-3 days.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Know the signs Macro Nutrient Deficiency In Plants monocots and dicots
Plants need sunlight, carbon dioxide, water and food (nutrients) for growth. There are a variety of nutrients in plant tissue but only 16 nutrients essential for the growth and yield. Nutrients can be divided into macro and micro nutrients.
Macro nutrients consisting of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, fosforas, potassium, calcium, and sulfur maknesium. Micro nutrients are made up of iron, zinc, manganese, kuperam, boron, molybdenum and chlorine.Lack of nutrients carbon, oxygen, hydrogen does not occur at the plant is easy to tap the nutrients available to the plants from the air and water. Macro nutrients that the crop is probably less nitrigen, fosforas, potassium, calcium, and sulfur maknesium.
Macro nutrient deficiencies affect the part of the plant and the signs of his lack of simple and clearly visible on the leaves. Macro nutrient deficiencies often result in changes in form and color in plant leaves. In the early stages are often all or some of the surface of the leaves will change color from green to yellow (klorosis) and then dry up and die (necrosis if the situation worse.
Packet is intended to guide the lack of recognizing the signs of the dicot and monocot plants. The signs will look the same event at the lack of other crops.
Signs of malnutrition Macro In dicot crops (Rubber)
NitrogenLack of nitrogen nutrients to plant growth and reduce the size of the rubber canopy. The signs of a lack of first place in the old leaves, particularly in the leaves exposed to sunlight. Leaf color changes from pale green to yellow. In severe deficiency symptoms also occur in young leaves.
Fosforas Fosforas shortage will cause the bottom of the rubber leaves change color from green to yellow, bronze, is divided from the leaf tip and then spread throughout the leaf. This color change occurs in the leaves of young and middle aged and clearly in the leaves exposed to sunlight. Fosforas shortage will result in loss of rubber leaves.
Potassium In the spring rubber, potassium deficiency symptoms usually occur on older leaves exposed to sunlight. In severe conditions, the signs of deficiency also occurs in middle aged leaves. The leaves will show signs klorosis is divided end of the leaf and the leaf edges and signs of necrosis will be formed.
CalciumLack of calcium will affect the young leaves and shoots the rubber. End and the side leaves will show signs of burns white to light brown. The situation will cause severe impairment died during the shoot.
MagnesiumIn the rubber leaves the area between the leaf veins start from the sides of the leaves become yellowish when magnesium deficiency. These signs occur in older leaves and the leaves start yasng exposed to sunlight. Signs of magnesium deficiency is also known as the "Herring-bone pattern.
SulfurSulfur deficiency signs in the leaves is similar to the signs of Nitrogen. The difference is the lack of sulfur usually in young leaves. In the spring rubber, and necrosis klorisis sign is divided from the leaf tip and then spread happiness side of the middle leaves. Throughout the next leaves will turn yellow to brown and finally dry.
Signs of malnutrition Macro In monocots Crops (Corn / Rice)
NitrogenThe lack of nitrogen in the corn crop will result in growth retardation and yellowish (klorosis). This was followed by signs of necrosis, starting from the leaf tip. These signs will spread happiness all the bones and leaves the leaf. The leaves will change color to colkat and dry ends.
FosforasGrowth will be stunted the corn crop shortage Forforas. The sides or the entire surface of older leaves will change color to purple.
PotassiumSigns of potassium deficiency in maize occurs in older leaves. Yellow signs (Klorosis) first occurs at the end of the leaf and the leaf edges and then spread to the middle of the leaf. In severe conditions, the signs of necrosis will occur is divided tip and leaf edge.
CalciumLack of calcium in the plant to prevent the production of shoots and young leaves of gulungannya opening. In rice plants, young leaves will change color to yellow and the tip-end of the leaf will die.
MagnesiumMagnesium Deficiency in the corn crop will show signs of Klorosis between the leaf veins and leaf veins remain green. These signs occur in the leaves you and at the next level and end turn brown and dry.
SulfurSulfur Deficiency causes stunted growth and the stem are small and narrow Otis. The entire surface of the leaves change color and become light brown mark like a lack of Nitrogen. In contrast to nitrogen deficiency Sulfur deficiency signs starting on young leaves.
Rain Protection Structure for Production of Vegetables
Production of vegetables using buasa in the open high risk for the presence of pest and disease incidence,Now research suggests the cultivation technology of vegetables under structure protection (SPH) is a suitable and viable to produce vegetables Conditioning of medium quality land in the area of high and low.
Rain Protection Structure (SPH) for the purpose of cultivation of vegetables is to basically covered the installation of reinforced plastic structural framework made of either wood, steel, metal goods know it deems appropriate and affordable. The effectiveness of water protection is often enhanced by installing insect-proof nets as dinding.Pada SPH generally used for the production of vegetables is very high due to the high cost of building structures.
Types of Protection of Nature and Cost Structure Rain (SPH)
There are two types of SPH is commonly used in Malaysia, namely:
1. Saw the form of points2. Tunnel shape
Saw shape
Roof shape resembles a wooden saw blade assembly beruti and insect proof wall (made of plastic monofilm 600mesh) depending on financial ability.The cost for a structure, measuring 60 meters long and 10 meters wide and insect proof nets is within a range of RM 9.000.
Tunnel shape
Frame made of metal or flexible material which forms the tunnel finally appears.Materials often used was "galvanised iron." Bamboo can be used but its use was not long lifespan and easy to fall due to strong wind. The use of galvanised iron "requires long-term investment. Prices for the SPH-shaped tunnel, measuring 60 meters long and 10 meters wide is the range of RM25, 000, including insect-proof nets.
Benefits The use of SPH
1. Protection from heavy rains hit.
Heavy rains cause physical damage and physiological of vegetables grown in the open. The use of SPH problems can be overcome. Hence, the production of vegetables will guarantee better quality and uniformity.
2. Strain reduction rays of the sun
Temperate vegetables can not stand the rays of blazing sun and continuous. They require 20% - 30% shade for growth and optimum yields and quality.
3. Controlling diseases and insects
Protection of water to provide effective use of insecticides and pesticides for control of disease around the moisture can be controlled. This will reduce the cost of the use of pesticides.
4. Weed Control
Under SPH, excessive soil moisture due to rain can be avoided. This is due to the use of controlled irrigation system with moisture optimun only provide for the growth of vegetables cultivated alone. With this control problem weeds and to control costs can be reduced.
5. Pesticide residues Low
With the use of pesticides are more effective, the content of residues in vegetables can be reduced. With this problem pesticides residues were also reduced.
6. Management and Effective Use of Manpower
Labor can be used at any time without any reason. The work that is planned to be carried out despite the rain ruling. With this the cost of labor will be more efficient.
Production of vegetables using buasa in the open high risk for the presence of pest and disease incidence,Now research suggests the cultivation technology of vegetables under structure protection (SPH) is a suitable and viable to produce vegetables Conditioning of medium quality land in the area of high and low.
Rain Protection Structure (SPH) for the purpose of cultivation of vegetables is to basically covered the installation of reinforced plastic structural framework made of either wood, steel, metal goods know it deems appropriate and affordable. The effectiveness of water protection is often enhanced by installing insect-proof nets as dinding.Pada SPH generally used for the production of vegetables is very high due to the high cost of building structures.
Types of Protection of Nature and Cost Structure Rain (SPH)
There are two types of SPH is commonly used in Malaysia, namely:
1. Saw the form of points2. Tunnel shape
Saw shape
Roof shape resembles a wooden saw blade assembly beruti and insect proof wall (made of plastic monofilm 600mesh) depending on financial ability.The cost for a structure, measuring 60 meters long and 10 meters wide and insect proof nets is within a range of RM 9.000.
Tunnel shape
Frame made of metal or flexible material which forms the tunnel finally appears.Materials often used was "galvanised iron." Bamboo can be used but its use was not long lifespan and easy to fall due to strong wind. The use of galvanised iron "requires long-term investment. Prices for the SPH-shaped tunnel, measuring 60 meters long and 10 meters wide is the range of RM25, 000, including insect-proof nets.
Benefits The use of SPH
1. Protection from heavy rains hit.
Heavy rains cause physical damage and physiological of vegetables grown in the open. The use of SPH problems can be overcome. Hence, the production of vegetables will guarantee better quality and uniformity.
2. Strain reduction rays of the sun
Temperate vegetables can not stand the rays of blazing sun and continuous. They require 20% - 30% shade for growth and optimum yields and quality.
3. Controlling diseases and insects
Protection of water to provide effective use of insecticides and pesticides for control of disease around the moisture can be controlled. This will reduce the cost of the use of pesticides.
4. Weed Control
Under SPH, excessive soil moisture due to rain can be avoided. This is due to the use of controlled irrigation system with moisture optimun only provide for the growth of vegetables cultivated alone. With this control problem weeds and to control costs can be reduced.
5. Pesticide residues Low
With the use of pesticides are more effective, the content of residues in vegetables can be reduced. With this problem pesticides residues were also reduced.
6. Management and Effective Use of Manpower
Labor can be used at any time without any reason. The work that is planned to be carried out despite the rain ruling. With this the cost of labor will be more efficient.
Use of MMO for Poultry
Poultry operations are well-known for the production of ammonia gas and the presence of well-MicroOrganisma pests. Ammonia gas that rise from the filth into the air can cause breast and chicken legs are damaged and can even cause blindness in poultry. Ammonia gas can cause respiratory complications in the state of human and livestock as well as stress to the worker community and the authorities.
High concentration of ammonia content can lead to death. The average chicken house contains approximately 20-29ppm ammonia.
The process of decomposition of organic material by microorganisms pests also contributed to the presence of odor. Secrets to improving public health of livestock operations and complaints from the public is to reduce or eliminate the ammonia odor. Microbes will decompose naturally . Ammonia is oxidative material, it grew with the active and support the growth of disease-bearing bacteria. With MMO that has antioxidant response in the stool, it also prevents the organic material by microorganisms that cause odor pests, pest control bacterial growth and reduce the presence of disease-bearing flies.
The advantage of using MMO
1. Odor pollution control
2. Reduce stress to the animals, workers and surrounding communities.
3. Reduce the presence of flies.
4. Cheap and effective.
5. Safe and Environmentally Friendly
1. Clean the chicken coops, spray and wash all the right house.
2. Duration of treatment with MMO in the ratio 1: 50
3. Daily use of the MMO in the ratio 1: 500
4. As a drink in the ratio 1: 1000 / 2000
5. Spray on either faeces faeces new.
Lemon Eating
Lemon Eating
Eating lemon grass is a perennial plant of the family Graminanea, There are two species known to eat broad band of Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) and (Cymbopogon Flexus). Species C. citratus is widespread in the tropics, including Australia, while the more concentrated areas Cymbopogon Flexus Malabar India.Negara main countries that grow lemon grass eating kormesil like Brazil, India, China and Guatemala.
In Malaysia particularly, the lemon grass to eat all the flavors in the food grown. Lemongrass eating grass is an aromatic plant and has a thick lush leaves. In every family there are many stems that grow from rinzom, stem white to colored or reddish, leaves pointed me slim, 60-100cm in length and width of 1.0 - 1.5 cm.a light green and rough with parallel veins.Lemon grass eating rare Flower of Malaysia.
Nutrients, particularly eating lemon grass stem used as a flavoring in cooking traditional shady, tomyam, kerabu, cooking fat and sour spicy chilli padi.unique aroma and taste that can add taste to food and increase appetite. In some developed countries eat a special band for the production of essential oils.Lemongrass essential oil meal to reddish brown with yellow and orange or lemon smell, the oil is composed of several compounds and in particular the content of a aldehide sitral.Sitral percentage of essential oil of lemongrass to eat is 65% to 85%. Other compounds which have a lower percentage including linalol, geraniol, citronellal, citronellol, farnesal, limonene, and nerol, essential oils used as fragrance lemon grass to eat soap, detergent , shampoo, and other products.
Eating lemon grass is a perennial plant of the family Graminanea, There are two species known to eat broad band of Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) and (Cymbopogon Flexus). Species C. citratus is widespread in the tropics, including Australia, while the more concentrated areas Cymbopogon Flexus Malabar India.Negara main countries that grow lemon grass eating kormesil like Brazil, India, China and Guatemala.
Nutrients, particularly eating lemon grass stem used as a flavoring in cooking traditional shady, tomyam, kerabu, cooking fat and sour spicy chilli padi.unique aroma and taste that can add taste to food and increase appetite. In some developed countries eat a special band for the production of essential oils.Lemongrass essential oil meal to reddish brown with yellow and orange or lemon smell, the oil is composed of several compounds and in particular the content of a aldehide sitral.Sitral percentage of essential oil of lemongrass to eat is 65% to 85%. Other compounds which have a lower percentage including linalol, geraniol, citronellal, citronellol, farnesal, limonene, and nerol, essential oils used as fragrance lemon grass to eat soap, detergent , shampoo, and other products.
Bokashi (Bio Organic Fertilizer)
Some research has shown that organic fertilizers such as microbial com BOKASHI is beneficial to soil and crops as organic content, nutrients, and beneficial microbes (EM) on the inside to enhance and improve aeration and drainage of water in the soil, helping the development of beneficial micro flora in the soil thereby increasing the availability of nutrients can be absorbed by plants from soil, however additional pound LAND recovery to complement and enhance its effectiveness.
Advantages of Organic Fertilizer BOKASHI contains beneficial microbes (EM) and a large number of nutrients in organic form.
* Increasing and improving the nutrient content in soil.
* To improve aeration and water holding to the development of healthy roots.
* Reduce the rate of unfriendliness and soil acidity.
* Contains humic acid, amino acids and micro elements high.
Leachate * Reduce the loss of nutrients.
* Increasing the rate of cation exchange (CEC) to enhance nutrient uptake by plants.
* Environmentally friendly, containing 100% organic "Biodegradeable"
* Free from pathogenic bacteria, grass seed and not moldy.
* Can be combined / mixed with LAND recovery to be more effective.
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