Monday, November 8, 2010

Papaya Plant

IntroductionPapaya tree (Carica papaya L) of the family Caricaceae, is also known as Paw-Paw is a herbaceous perennial species are short lived. This plant is believed to have originated from the West Indies or Mexico.Given the very short maturity, about nine months of papaya are usually grown as cash crops in the gardens of rubber and oil palm plantations in the early stages of plant growth itu.Jumlah papaya crop area in Peninsular Malaysia has declined from 1259 ha in 1996 to 1213 ha in 1997 and subsequently to 1207 ha in 1998.

Nutrient ContentPapaya is usually eaten fresh, cooked or processed into various products that have market potential within and outside the country. The products and foods that can be produced, including jams, pies, pickles, kerabu, rojak, candied, orange, jelly / pudding, cocktails and more. Papian, an enzyme derived from papaya latex can be used to soften young meat, hardware used in drinks and other uses in the pharmaceutical field. Nutrient content for a variety Eksitika papaya and other varieties.

Nutrient Content of Food For The Papaya

Type of Substance                      Other Vareiti                     Exotica
Energy (Kcal)                               34.0                                  59.0
Water ( g )                                    90.7                                  84.4
Protein ( g )                                   1.5                                     1.0
Fat ( g )                                          0.1                                     0.1
Carbohydrate ( g )                         7.1                                   13.5
Fiber ( g )                                       0.5                                     0.5
Abu ( g )                                         0.1                                     0.5
Ca ( mg )                                      11.0                                   31.0
P ( mg )                                          7.0                                    17.0
Mg ( mg )                                      0.7                                      0.8
Na ( mg )                                       3.0                                      2.0
K ( mg )                                       39.0                                  337.0                        
Karotene ( ug )                         160.0                                 2431.0
R.E ( ug )                                  193.0                                   405.0
B 1 ( mg )                                      0.03                                     0.08
B 2 ( mg )                                      0.07                                     0.15
Niacin ( mg )                                 0.1                                       0.1
Vitamin C ( mg )                         71.0                                     69.3
BotanyThe scientific name for papaya is Carica papaya L. Caricaceae family.

PrincipalPapaya is a perennial herb plant that has a fast growth rate. The stem grows vertically, air soft tissues, hollow, rubbery, and can reach heights of up to eight meters high. Papaya tree has a shallow root system.
LeafPapaya has a single leaf (single) the width and lug air.There are 5-7 lobes, each jagged rough around the edges. leaves are smooth, dark green at the top and green bottom and a sprig of between 46-60cm long and hollow in the middle.

Flowers and PollinationEach papaya tree will produce either male flowers, female flowers, or hermaphrodite flowers. Petals are usually pale cream and waxy. Small male flowers about 2-3 cm long and 1.8 cm wide and form a clump of flowers along the stems 30-90 cm. Female flower size approximately 3 cm in width and length of 6 cm long and have 5 petals. It has a large ovarian and round with the air stigma lobes formed thereon. Usually there is only one female flower, but sometimes there are also 2-3 in the female flowers are formed in the axillary tuft of leaves with short stalks. Hermaphrodite flowers have features that seem to be similar to the female flowers are small in size but slightly elongated and formed ovaries. Besides stigma hermaphrodite flowers have stamens attached to petals.Carica papaya is a natural species poligamus where this species is diesius, the principal of the male with the female in a population. Human disturbance and set aside the election of the male trees are not productive cause ginodiesius populations appear that the principal female and hermaphrodite trees. Pollination occurs by wind and sometimes aided by insects.

FruitThere are a variety of fruit shape in terms of size, shape and color as the trees are cross pollinated papaya. In general, the hermaphrodites were oval and elongated with a dense content, whereas females are round fruit with a large ovarian space and thin flesh. Papaya skin is usually smooth, thin and light green in early stage and turn yellow or orange when ripe papaya Contents creamy yellow and turns to orange or red when ripe. The center of the hollow fruit with small seeds black on the walls sticky.

Papaya cultivarsThe types of papayas grown in Malaysia consists of the types of local and some from abroad, such as Hawaii, India, Indonesia.Jenis of choice is usually the produce quality fruit that is damn heavy. Options are based on the shape of an attractive and uniform size of a tree, sweet taste and resistance to pests and diseases attack.

Six ringsThis type is suitable for processing as its contents are interesting and the fruit of uniform size. It can also be eaten fresh as cut and is not easily breakable. Papaya is a very fertile species in the early stages of growth and early fruiting, about 42-44 weeks after sowing. Fruits come in the form at a low level of 47-60 cm from ground level. Stem basically have a short field, a high percentage of sterile book that is 56% in the first year and 75% in the second. It was found that approximately 10% of the books that bear more than one seed prop buah.Kejadian berkarpel fruit is very low. Hermaphrodites have six earrings were long and cylindrical-shaped and tapered at the neck. Female fruit are round, with a larger ovaries and thin flesh.

The ripe fruit has an attractive color that is consistent with the surface of the yellow fruit is very clean and free of spots or bruises while the bright red fruit flesh color and a bit dull when close to the skin. Their texture is nice and steady, with low sugar content in the range of 10.5 to 11%, JPL and the lack of flavor.
The mature fruit weighs in the range of 1.3 kilograms each. The result of the six rings are not so stable as sensitive to the competition. Under good management, the results can reach 40-50 tonnes per hectare after 18 months of planting.

SitiwanPapaya is more suitable for this type of processed or canned as a result of high and solid content. It has a very lush growth, medium height and bear fruit quickly, about 44-45 weeks after sowing. The first fruit is formed at a height of 80 cm from ground level.
The stem has a high sterilized books at 65% in the first year and 68% in the kedua.Kira about 12% of books that support the fruit of more than one seed.

Sitiawan hermaphrodite papaya the fruit of long, cylinder shaped, while females were found to be more rounded at the bottom. The ripe fruit has orange-yellow color with green strips. The skin is clean and free of spots or bruises. Fruit surface uneven and sometimes marked with lines and grooves. Color content, but rather dull red when near the skin of fruit. The texture is very strong, feeling good about the sugar content in the range of 10% J.P.L
Fruit size at maturity is between 1.5 - 2.5 pounds each. Results papaya Sitiawan susceptible to environmental conditions, with the 10 to 50 tonnes is recommended sehektar.Kepadatan 1.500 trees per hectare.

CoalThis type is selected from a town called 'Coal', about 40 kilometers from Kuala Lumpur. Papaya is a type of medium height, but quickly bear fruit. It starts flowering 4 to 6 months after sowing and will take 5 months to grow and cook the fruit. The first fruits can be found at a height of 80 cm from ground level. Growth and production of extremely sensitive to environmental factors such as high temperatures and drought.

Coal papaya fruit has elongated shaped hermaphrodites and Genuk with a diameter similar to the fruit. Female fruit is more rounded behind.The ripe fruit has scabby skin color with streaks of green and are clean and free of spots or bruises. Ovaries were relatively small space with large numbers. It contained a red, very thick, robust with a smooth aroma and a simple sugar content of 12 - 13% J.P.L

The mature fruit is medium in size with an objection within the 1.5 kilograms each. The average production is 15 to 20 seeds per plant per year with average yield of 30 tonnes per hectare tam.

ExoticaPapaya is a result of this type of hybrid between Subang six types of foreign species of Hawaiian Sunrise Solo. It is the kind of Gynodiosius with modest growth characteristics. The first fruit is formed at a height of 60 - 80 cm from ground level, and can be harvested about 42-44 weeks after sowing with gender segregation 2:1 (hermaphrodite: female).
Incidence is relatively low percentage of sterile books of 22% in the first year and 47% in the second. Fruit is usually formed in each book and found fertile spread evenly throughout the tree trunk. Production of flowers and fruit are sensitive to environmental factors.

Hermaphrodite papaya fruits that have shaped piriform and little cigars on the top, while the female fruit with a round shape. It has a smooth rind, but sometimes lined with a thin elongated grooves. The ripe fruit has a yellowish color with green lines. Usually there are spots on the skin of fruit. The contents of red and orange fruits uniformly so crust. The best stage for eating fresh fruit is when the index level of maturity in 5, ie 75% of the fruit is yellow. At this stage, solid content, water, scented with sugar content between 13 - 15% J.P.L

The average size is 600 to 800 g each. Under proper management, trees can produce an average yield Exotica of 40-65 tonnes / ha / year.

Exotica IIThis type of papaya is also known as the 'Hybrid Exotica "and is produced from a cross Drops 19 Drops 20 Exotica by Exotica. Gender segregation was 1:1 (hermaphrodite: female) Exotica II has features similar to Exotica, but with the advantage of perkar matters as follows:
i. Cosmetics fruit: the fruit is less spotted;ii. The flesh is sweet: 14.5% J.P.L;iii. Larger fruit size: 600-100 g each;iv. High income: in the range of 20% higher than Exotica;v. Texture fill more robus

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